
Leslie Dalton was a Sweet Adeline from 1997 to 2009 in the San Francisco Bay Area, Region 12, directing San Francisco Sound Wave Chorus. She also competed with Pacific Empire Chorus on the Regional and International stage, and sang in two regional champion quartets. She took a break from singing when she returned to her hometown of Phoenix to care for her mother. 

In the meantime, Patricia Glasser, a former quartet member with Leslie, moved to Chandler, AZ from SF and they decided they needed to start singing together again. After joining a Sweet Adeline chorus in the area, Leslie discovered she still had a passion for directing. 

With Leslie’s directing experience and Patricia’s background in choreography and chorus administration, they brainstormed the idea of launching a new chorus. Recognizing how quickly the Phoenix valley is growing, they believed there was room for another chorus in the area. 

Longtime Sweet Adelines Mary Chilton and Carleen Thompson joined the journey, bringing their  enthusiasm and additional expertise. They had sung on the international stage with Scottsdale and San Diego choruses, competed in quartets, and held various leadership positions at both the chorus and Regional levels.  

With over 87 combined years of Sweet Adeline experience, this determined band of women knew something magical was in the works when they realized at their first planning meeting that they were a true quartet, representing all four parts!

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